Sunday, October 24, 2010


Earlier in the week we profiled an SPCA volunteer.  We told you how to get involved, what the time commitment was like, and what to expect on the job.  Since then, we've decided to ask a few questions to another volunteer, this time, from Cat's Cradle.

The little downtown shop located right on South Main Street is always looking for some extra help.  Many times, a reason for not volunteering is one as simple as not having transportation to and from the center.  Because of its location, Cat's Cradle could be just the place for those looking to volunteer somewhere within walking distance of the JMU campus.  Jess Jondahl answered some questions about her experience volunteering at Cat's Cradle:

P+C- How did you get started? 
JJ- I started off by filling out an application to be a volunteer. I had visited many times before, but one day I decided I'd like to do a little more for them. 

P+C- Is there any training involved?
JJ- As for training, there's a one-hour preliminary session, and then you pretty much learn as you go. They won't have you giving cats vaccinations and such on your first day, for example. 

P+C- What is a typical visit like?
JJ- A typical visit usually involves cleaning cages and litter boxes as one of Cat's Cradle's major priorities is cleanliness and keeping the shop orderly for potential customers. Lately the staff has been preparing their Christmas mailing list, so I help out with that a lot too.

P+C- What is the time commitment? 
JJ- The time commitment is totally up to you. If you can only offer an hour a week, that is still very valuable to the regular staff who works there. I personally volunteer up to eight hours a week; some volunteers do even more!

P+C- What is your favorite aspect of volunteering?
JJ- My favorite part is that most of the cats love to be pet, held and played with, and even some of the newer, less socialized cats will eventually come to see who you are. All of the cats are so sweet and it helps me to get some fuzz therapy in when I miss my own animals at home. And even the people there are awesome. It's so relaxed because you don't have to worry about salaries. It's just a great environment.

P+C- Do you volunteer with a partner? 
JJ- Most of the time there's another volunteer there, but sometimes when schedules don't match, I'm the only one. However, there is always a regular staff member there to do all the heavy lifting with adoptions and such.

P+C- What's the first step someone should take if they want to get involved? 
JJ- If anyone wishes to get involved they may contact Cat's Cradle (info is on the website) or go to the adoption center/ office/ shop on South Main and fill out and application.

P+C- Are there any upcoming events you want to mention?
JJ- Well, I'm not really sure of any events that are coming up soon, but they have a

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